These photos were from when I was 29 weeks pregnant and in Oklahoma… there are definitely no cotton fields here in New Jersey. For a more recent update check out my 33 week bumpdate, the belly is a bit more round these days.
We love knowing that God is the only one who knows the gender of this baby. But to settle the question temporarily until we find out the old-fashioned way whether it’s bows or not on all or gender neutral clothing, we decided to try some old wives tales about predicting the sex of our baby. So let’s see what the folk wisdom has to say as I celebrate 34 weeks with our growing baby ____!
How is she carrying
One old wive’s tale says that if the mom is carrying high (like a basketball sticking straight out), then it’s a girl. If the baby is carrying low (like a watermelon), then it’s a boy. Let’s take a look at the evidence:
What do you think? I’ve been carrying low this entire pregnancy, like a watermelon. Baby has just started filling out the top of my abdomen. I’m going to count this as a check in the boy column.
Sweet or Savory
Another legend has it that a mother who craves savory treats during her pregnancy is having a boy. If she craves sweet snacks instead, it’s a girl. This one is really hard for me to gauge. I already had quite the sweet tooth before getting that positive test. I haven’t had really intense cravings although am very satisfied by cold fresh juicy fruit like peaches and oranges and the occasional soft served vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles (but the ice cream was mostly first trimester). Yet the entire second trimester all I wanted was cheddar cheese? Ugh I don’t know, I’m calling this one a wash.
Morning Sickness
Here’s one that even I heard before I started researching for this post: if she has morning sickness all day long, it’s going to be a girl. And as I mentioned when we announced our pregnancy I barely felt sick but for a few hours total. So I’m going to label this as an indicator that it might be a boy.
The Chinese Calendar
There is a legend of a Chinese lunar calendar that can predict it’s a boy or a girl, based on the mothers age and date of conception. According to me being 30 and conceiving in April, this Chinese Gender Predictor we are having a boy.
The Beauty Thief
Here’s one you have probably heard before. If you are having beauty issues during your pregnancy, such as acne or hair problems or any of a number of other things, its because you are pregnant with a girl and she is “stealing” your beauty.
Um, this is hard to tell… because I frequently get facial breakouts when I eat dairy and sugar. I have upped my dairy intake the whole 1st and 2nd trimester because the craving was strong but am tapering off the third to get my skin back to normal and blemish free. Although, I have never felt more beautiful than I do now while pregnant. My hair feels amazing and my skin is most definitely clearing up with a cleaner diet. But because the girl column is lacking I’ll chalk up my bumpy cheeks to the girl stealing all my beauty.
Your Partners Weight
Here’s one about the guys: if the father gains weight right along with you, then you are probably having a girl.
Brenton has better self control than I do because he hasn’t gained an ounce. I think this is supposed to count throughout the pregnancy, so this point goes to the boys.
The Baby’s Heartbeat
Some people say that the baby’s heartbeat is an indicator of whether it will be a boy or a girl. If the heartrate over 140, it’s a girl. If it’s under 140, it’s a boy. Hearing the heartbeat each appointment is the highlight of my week! I mean I know I can feel BB moving in there each day but his or her heartbeat is music to my ears. But since about my 16 week appointment the heartbeat has been between 120-140 consistently. The sweet heart music indicated a boy for sure!
The Linea Nigra
Another myth I’ve heard is based on the linea nigra, the line that develops during pregnancy and runs up the middle of your belly. The myth holds that you are having a girl if the line goes up to your belly button and stops. If it goes any further up your body, it’s a boy. I’m not going to rush my naked belly photos on here but I will tell you I have a very faint line that stops at my belly button. Baby girl maybe?
And the winner is….
According to all these old wive’s tales, it’s a boy! The final tally was 2 in favor of a girl and 5 in favor of a boy (plus one wash). It’s going to be really interesting to see if our child’s actual gender matches up when we finally have him or her in our arms.
What do you think?
Everyone enjoys making predictions about whether I am having a boy or a girl. We decided to share a little of the baby guessing excitement with all of you. Leave a comment with your prediction for whether Baby Batzer will be a boy or a girl. After the baby arrives, we will award someone who guessed correctly with a $25 Amazon gift card.
This little contest is open until the date and time that Baby Batzer is finally born. We will randomly select one winner with a correct guess that was made before the deadline and contact him/her via email just as soon as we have a chance to breathe and look at our computers after the baby arrives. The winner will have 48 hours to claim his or her prize before the prize is forfeited and another winner is chosen, so make sure you use a current email address that you check often.
For anyone curious, my dress is from Pink Blush Maternity. It can also be worn as a non-maternity dress.
Photos taken with a tripod or by Brenton and edited by yours truly.
Erika Blumenthal
I’ve found that whenever I then it’s a boy it’s a girl and vice versa. And for me all the wives tales were opposite with my big and girl pregnancies. So I guess you’re having a sweet little girl 💕
Erika Blumenthal
I’ve found that whenever I think it’s a boy it’s a girl and vice versa. And for me all the wives tales were opposite with my boy and girl pregnancies. So I guess you’re having a sweet little girl 💕
Melissa Forster
For some reason, I have thought this entire time you were having a boy! So I am going to stick with that guess! Praying for a smooth delivery and a healthy baby!
Michel Ornelas
I am just so excited to see that beautiful belly growing on you! It makes my heart happy. I love the Chinese calendar predictions so I guess BOY!
Carolina Barreto Wilson
I’m guessing boy. I love that you’re aiming for a home birth with midwives!! Praying that everything goes smoothly and that you’re able to have your homebirth <3 Congrats again, friend!
Laura Teague
For some reason, I just see you with a little boy! Every time I read your updates I think boy too! You’ll be an amazing mommy either way, but my vote is BOY! 🧢💙 I cant wait to see him or her!
I have thought this whole time that you are having a girl. Maybe because Desiree means desired for or longed for. 😉 Love you!
Jamie C.
My vote was for boy! I should have done the Italian string test on you when I saw you! Much love to you and Baby B
Janet K
I can’t believe that Baby B will be here so soon! Boy or Girl, this lil one is so lucky to have you and Brenton as parents. If I had to take a guess…I would say boy!
I’m getting so excited to finally meet BB! I say BOY mama!
Sarah M
I’m going worth girl.
Sarah M
How embarrassing. I did not proof read quick enough. With*
Katie Nolan
I love guessing based on old wive’s tales, so fun! Almost all of these turned out to be the opposite for me for both of my pregnancies, so I am going to go the opposite way for you too and say you are going to have a girl!! So excited for you either way!!!
Felicia Nunez
A boy! Even though I want it to be a girl I think you are having a sweet baby boy! Whatever it is I’m so happy for you and your family!
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Courtney Wiseman
Honestly I believe that you are going to have a Little Girl. No science behind it…….. just a gut feeling.
Erin Andahazy
Hi neighbor! I going with boy! We can’t wait to meet the newest member of the street! He will be so loved!!
You are getting so close friend. I am going to say it is a Boy!! Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for both you and baby. ♡♡
Jess Egli
Wives tales tended to be opposite for me, so I’m going to guess girl! So excited for you guys either way!
I’m going with girl! No rhyme or reason. I just know I’ll be bummed if I don’t go with my first guess and then get it wrong! Haha. So excited to see BB’s sweet face!
I’m so torn! When I did wives tales they told me girl and I had a boy … but I put a lot of stock in the how you’re carrying tale, so I pick boy!!
Janelle Ritchie
For some reason I feel like you are having a boy. Boys have definitely been the trend with my friends and people I know so I’m going with BOY! Plus I have two boys so I have to vote team boy, right? Hope you are doing well!!
I think this little one is a Baby Boy!! But I’d love for you to have a little girl so Harper has a girlfriend 💕 and so I can buy her bows 😆
Taylor Laudino
Going against your picks and saying girl!!
I think it’s a boy for sure!!! Either way I am so excited for you guys!!! 😍😍😍😬
Julie Ornelas
My guess is girl !!! ❤️❤️
I say boy. But whatever gender it is I know he/she will be surrounded by so much love. Your already an amazing person so i know your gonna rock it as a momma too!!!
Boy! He had a powerful kick!
Tina Lemly
My guess is girl 🎀💖🎉 You are looking beautiful friend, here in these photos and currently (@ 38 weeks). Prayers for a safe and healthy delivery & baby 😍🙏🏻
I think it’s a girl!
Caitlin Vaughan
I’m guessing boy!
I’m guessing girl! Hannah is 6 wks now & I had no morning sickness to speak of (with either pregnancy) and I had a linea negra above my belly button this time but not with Levi, so I think most old wives tales are bogus. The one that has been true for me multiple times and for other moms I know is this one: https://youtu.be/vMHevydV9v8. 😊
I was going to guess boy even before reading through your post (which I have to say was very thorough 🙂 )
So Boy it is!!
Abby Park
You’re having a boy allllll the way!!!!
I’m gonna say boy 🙂
Gail Justesen
I’m guessing boy!