Reading…. woman code: perfect your cycle, amplify your fertility, supercharge your sex drive and become a power source because every woman needs the knowledge to make her own informed decisions about her body. Especially those revolved around hormones. What are you reading??
Eating…. paleo pancakes, like all the time. I’m working on a recipe up in this kitchen without a waffle maker. I decided to leave it in Spokane for the 7 weeks we are spending in Montgomery, so I’m currently having a love affair with pancakes. Sorry waffles.
Listening to…. so many podcasts! Get ready. Pantsuit Politics, That Sounds Fun with Annie f. Downs, Balanced Bites, The Glorious in the Mundane, Hidden Brain, The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey, What Should I Read Next, & Food Blogger Pro to name a few. What are your favorites? I’m always down to add more!
Missing…. a cool october and true fall. We left Washington at the time when the temperature drops into the 40’s at night and reaches a high of 60 during the day only to come the land of never ending summers. Missing pumpkin patches, apple picking, jeans, boots and sweaters.
Anticipating…. 7 solid, uninterrupted weeks with my husband!! In our 5 years of marriage I don’t think we have had a regular schedule like this. He has either been on TDY, sitting alert or working late.
Wearing…. these dv boots from target even though its still 85 degrees down here. cheers to the little black dress and ankle boots still looking cute!
Starting…. a very loose running schedule! It’s just too convenient and simple not to. No need to go to the gym for cardio! Just lace up and hop outside. Plus there is no spin studio in Montgomery soooo gotta get a sweat some other way. We’ll see how this goes. Stay tuned.
Photographing…. our sweet Sadie. More like me telling her lies to make her look at my camera.