Her Heart + Table https://www.herheartandtable.com/ Where Stories & Food Collide Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:36:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 105444106 Lactation Baked Oatmeal https://www.herheartandtable.com/lactation-baked-oatmeal/ Wed, 10 Jul 2019 21:35:44 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1369 Baked Oatmeal recipe that is full of heart healthy goodies as well as a boost of lactating encouraging ingredients like flaxseeds and brewers yeast. Well hello there friend. It has been a quick minute since I shared any part of life on HHT let alone a recipe. It feels good to be writing again. Our...

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Baked Oatmeal recipe that is full of heart healthy goodies as well as a boost of lactating encouraging ingredients like flaxseeds and brewers yeast.

Well hello there friend. It has been a quick minute since I shared any part of life on HHT let alone a recipe. It feels good to be writing again.

Our little guy, Elijah Clark, is now 5 months old and as cute as can be. I’ve been toying with the idea of sharing his birth story. It is actually written I just haven’t brought myself to hit publish. We’re 5 months out from it and I still feel like I haven’t really processed it.

This change from no baby to one has been a dousy! Every single aspect of my life has changed, not to mention I’ve been solo parenting while my Air Force pilot husband has been going on trips. So that has left little breathing room but now we have a good rhythm. I finally feel like I’m starting to have some “free-ish” time. Elijah prefers to put himself to sleep and he is very good at entertaining himself for a decent amount of time, not to mention bedtime is around 7:30pm now! Love those 2 hours I get to myself at night. You can usually find me curled up with a book and a glass of wine. Although sometimes all I want to do is fall asleep right there with him!

Single mommying is hard work friends.

So if you know a single mom or a military mama who is at home alone with her kiddos give her a hug or at least bring her some Chick fil-a.

Onto the Lactation Baked Oatmeal.

This recipe is definitely one you are going to want to keep in your breakfast arsenal whether you are breastfeeding or not. You can definitely make it without any of the lactation encouraging ingredients. In fact thats how I was introduced to it. Many many years ago my friend Hilary made this baked oatmeal recipe for us. We loved it and it has been in our normal breakfast rotation for years. So thank you Hilary for introducing this baked oatmeal recipe to us!

Let’s talk the lactation part of this recipe. I am by no means a lactation expert and breastfeeding has not been the easiest thing for me like I thought it was. We dealt with a poor latch, cracked nipples, thrush and worrying that my PCOS was going to effect my production. So in those early weeks I made all the lactation cookies and treats I could to boost my supply with. I don’t know if it helped or the fact that I nursed Elijah every 2.5 hours around the clock through all that pain for what seemed like forever but I have a freezer full of milk! I’m ecstatic I have been able to feed him solely on my milk for 5 whole month! My goal is a year of nursing but one day at a time right?

I’m definitely not saying that the lactation baked oatmeal is going to be your ticket to a freezer stash but I am encouraging you to try it. Just see if it works along with frequent emptying, increased hydration and a solid, healthy meal plan.

Lactation Baked Oatmeal Powerhouse Ingredients:

Oats – Packed full of iron and calories.

Flaxseeds – Increases the alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acid) in breastmilk.

Brewer’s Yeast – It is full of B vitamins, protein, iron and minerals. Great for helping along your milk production.

Have I mentioned how versatile this Baked Oatmeal recipe is?

Both the contents and toppings can be changed to your preference. It is also both dairy-free and gluten-free! You can make all different combinations. My favorite combination of flavors is blueberry-pecan. Try that one or another like apple-walnut, strawberry-almond or go crazy and throw a banana-chocolate chip together!

I can’t wait to hear about your adventures trying out this recipe!  Please come back and tell me how it goes and stay tuned for more recipes! Leave a comment, rate it, and don’t forget to tag a photo #herheartandtable on Instagram. Cheers, friends!

Head over to my Instagram and Facebook to know when I post new recipes and adventures in my kitchen!

xoxo Cheers friends!

Baked Oatmeal || Lacation
Servings8 people
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Dry Ingredients
Wet Ingredients
  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F. Grease a baking dish with coconut oil and set aside.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Then add in the wet ingredients. The "dough" should be somewhat scoopable/pourable, so if it is to dry add a little bit more milk.
  3. In your baking dish, lay a layer of fruit, a handful or so, like sliced bananas and blueberries. Then top with the oat mixture. Then add another handful of fruit and top with whatever you have on hand. I just tossed on what I mention in the ingredients.
  4. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until lightly browned. Let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

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Contentment Challenge 2019 https://www.herheartandtable.com/contentment-challenge-2019/ Thu, 20 Dec 2018 22:41:35 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1306 Well hello friends. It’s almost that time of year, the beginning of a new one! The time of year to set goals you’d like to accomplish and dreams you would like to see come to fruition. I do love setting goals and I surely intend to set some good goals in this 30th year of...

The post Contentment Challenge 2019 appeared first on Her Heart + Table.

Well hello friends. It’s almost that time of year, the beginning of a new one! The time of year to set goals you’d like to accomplish and dreams you would like to see come to fruition. I do love setting goals and I surely intend to set some good goals in this 30th year of life around the sun but I’m starting off the year doing something a little bit different.

A fellow wedding photographer, Nancy Ray, started a contentment challenge five years ago.

So what is the Contentment Challenge, you ask? GREAT question!

Here’s Nancy’s story in a nutshell:

After paying off our house back in 2012, Will and I accomplished a huge financial goal we had sacrificed and worked for. Weeks afterwards, we began arguing about money wayyyy more than we ever had when living on a tight budget. I thought I could shop at Whole Foods and Anthropologie and do all the things I had sacrificed, and went over budget for 3 months straight. Sorry, Babe.

Then, I spoke at Making Things Happen, and God began to whisper the word “contentment” in my heart. “Nancy, are you really content? with just Me? or do you always have to buy new things?”

I felt a tugging on my heart to give up shopping for 3 months. After fighting the Lord in my head and heart for 2 days straight, I finally gave in.

Why am I intentionally participating in this contentment challenge?

So after buying a home and setting up for baby (all while buying so many new things) I’ve found that I am falling into the consumerism trap. I want to buy things that we don’t necessarily need to make this place feel homey.

More than a financial issue it’s a spiritual one. I’m lacking some serious self-discipline. I’m finding joy in what my house could look like, in the physical material possessions, and not in the Lord. I’ve been so focused on getting to our new home in New Jersey that I though once I would be here and getting settled that this longing for a material place to belong would go away on its own. Well, news alert, its not. And I’m pretty tired of it.

And so starting January 1st, this contentment challenge will be focused around my heart. As I settle into this new season of my life called motherhood for the very first time with a newborn I ask the Lord to show me what truly matters to Him. To be completely immersed in the GOOD things and gifts all around me. To be focused on life as a family of three, soaking up all the snuggles and not obsessed with my house being photo shoot ready.

The Guidelines:

• For the next 10 days, your homework is the following: prepare your heart, organize your closet, and make any necessary purchases that you might need during these months. (This is not a last minute shopping spree! This is one final trip to the store for items you will need, and the opportunity for you to say your goodbyes to Target.)

• Choose 1-3 inspiring books to read during this time. I would recommend any of the following: Seven, What’s Best Next, The Celebration of Discipline, 1000 Gifts, Essentialism. I’m planning to read one book (because newborn life): Cozy Minimalist Home. (Feel free to leave additional recommendations in the comments!)

• Gifts are okay! If someone gives you a new dress or piece of decor during that time, receive it graciously! If you need to buy someone else a gift, by all means, do so. The point is not to be rude, but to learn more of ourselves and the Lord.

• Necessities are okay! If you drop and break your phone, please go get a new one! If you lose your glasses, buy a new pair. Just don’t start justifying new purchases for items that you already have. (“I really need this bathing suit, even though there are 8 in my closet already.”)

• Food: please buy food for yourself and your family :). From my experience, this is a good time to stop grocery shopping at Target and instead choose a grocery store. Some who have done the contentment challenge have chosen to use this as a time to forgo eating out. If you eat out all the time, maybe it’s best for you to limit it to 2x a month. I’ll let you decide what you want to do here!

• You must actively pursue something – anything – that replaces your tendency to buy stuff. Begin thinking about something you love or a hobby you’ve always wanted to do, and make preparations to actually do it. (Reading and cooking are my go-to hobbies!)

If you mess up, the whole challenge isn’t a bust. Let me write that again – if you mess up, the whole challenge isn’t a bust! Mistakes happen. You’re not perfect. In fact, this whole challenge will reveal to you how un-perfect and ugly your heart really is. If you mess up and place a late night Amazon order, or find yourself sucked back into Target or getting caught in killer sale emails … pray, repent and start over. Don’t give up. Don’t berate yourself. Learn, grow & keep going.

Download Nancy’s full Challenge Guidelines here! I hope you’ll join us January 1! If you have specific questions or what to tell me you’re in on the challenge too, comment below. (And make sure we’re friends on Instagram since I’ll be sharing a lot of details about the challenge in the coming months over there! Be sure to use the hashtag #contentmentchallenge so I can follow along with you, too!) 

xo! Melissa


The post Contentment Challenge 2019 appeared first on Her Heart + Table.

Will Baby Batzer Be a Boy or a Girl? https://www.herheartandtable.com/will-baby-batzer-be-a-boy-or-a-girl/ https://www.herheartandtable.com/will-baby-batzer-be-a-boy-or-a-girl/#comments Thu, 06 Dec 2018 22:36:25 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1276 Brenton and I decided that we didn’t want to find out the gender of our baby.  It didn’t take much to convince Brenton to wait either.  But that doesn’t mean we don’t wonder if it’s a boy or a girl! No matter what gender our baby is we are so excited to finally hold him...

The post Will Baby Batzer Be a Boy or a Girl? appeared first on Her Heart + Table.

Brenton and I decided that we didn’t want to find out the gender of our baby.  It didn’t take much to convince Brenton to wait either.  But that doesn’t mean we don’t wonder if it’s a boy or a girl! No matter what gender our baby is we are so excited to finally hold him or her in our arms! Until then its a bit awkward to talk about our baby, I frequently call our baby “It”, “BB” or “baby” or with through out a “he” or “she” depending on the day. Sorry BB!  Love you mucho! <3

These photos were from when I was 29 weeks pregnant and in Oklahoma… there are definitely no cotton fields here in New Jersey. For a more recent update check out my 33 week bumpdate, the belly is a bit more round these days.

We love knowing that God is the only one who knows the gender of this baby. But to settle the question temporarily until we find out the old-fashioned way whether it’s bows or not on all or gender neutral clothing, we decided to try some old wives tales about predicting the sex of our baby. So let’s see what the folk wisdom has to say as I celebrate 34 weeks with our growing baby ____!

How is she carrying

One old wive’s tale says that if the mom is carrying high (like a basketball sticking straight out), then it’s a girl. If the baby is carrying low (like a watermelon), then it’s a boy. Let’s take a look at the evidence:

What do you think? I’ve been carrying low this entire pregnancy, like a watermelon.  Baby has just started filling out the top of my abdomen. I’m going to count this as a check in the boy column.

Sweet or Savory

Another legend has it that a mother who craves savory treats during her pregnancy is having a boy. If she craves sweet snacks instead, it’s a girl. This one is really hard for me to gauge. I already had quite the sweet tooth before getting that positive test.  I haven’t had really intense cravings although am very satisfied by cold fresh juicy fruit like peaches and oranges and the occasional soft served vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles (but the ice cream was mostly first trimester). Yet the entire second trimester all I wanted was cheddar cheese? Ugh I don’t know, I’m calling this one a wash.

Morning Sickness

Here’s one that even I heard before I started researching for this post: if she has morning sickness all day long, it’s going to be a girl. And as I mentioned when we announced our pregnancy I barely felt sick but for a few hours total.  So I’m going to label this as an indicator that it might be a boy.

The Chinese Calendar

There is a legend of a Chinese lunar calendar that can predict it’s a boy or a girl, based on the mothers age and date of conception.  According to me being 30 and conceiving in April, this Chinese Gender Predictor we are having a boy.

The Beauty Thief

Here’s one you have probably heard before. If you are having beauty issues during your pregnancy, such as acne or hair problems or any of a number of other things, its because you are pregnant with a girl and she is “stealing” your beauty.

Um, this is hard to tell… because I frequently get facial breakouts when I eat dairy and sugar.  I have upped my dairy intake the whole 1st and 2nd trimester because the craving was strong but am tapering off the third to get my skin back to normal and blemish free.  Although, I have never felt more beautiful than I do now while pregnant.  My hair feels amazing and my skin is most definitely clearing up with a cleaner diet.  But because the girl column is lacking I’ll chalk up my bumpy cheeks to the girl stealing all my beauty.

Your Partners Weight

Here’s one about the guys: if the father gains weight right along with you, then you are probably having a girl.

Brenton has better self control than I do because he hasn’t gained an ounce.  I think this is supposed to count throughout the pregnancy, so this point goes to the boys.

The Baby’s Heartbeat

Some people say that the baby’s heartbeat is an indicator of whether it will be a boy or a girl. If the heartrate over 140, it’s a girl. If it’s under 140, it’s a boy.  Hearing the heartbeat each appointment is the highlight of my week! I mean I know I can feel BB moving in there each day but his or her heartbeat is music to my ears. But since about my 16 week appointment the heartbeat has been between 120-140 consistently.  The sweet heart music indicated a boy for sure!

The Linea Nigra

Another myth I’ve heard is based on the linea nigra, the line that develops during pregnancy and runs up the middle of your belly. The myth holds that you are having a girl if the line goes up to your belly button and stops. If it goes any further up your body, it’s a boy. I’m not going to rush my naked belly photos on here but I will tell you I have a very faint line that stops at my belly button.  Baby girl maybe?

And the winner is….

According to all these old wive’s tales, it’s a boy! The final tally was 2 in favor of a girl and 5 in favor of a boy (plus one wash). It’s going to be really interesting to see if our child’s actual gender matches up when we finally have him or her in our arms.

What do you think?

Everyone enjoys making predictions about whether I am having a boy or a girl. We decided to share a little of the baby guessing excitement with all of you. Leave a comment with your prediction for whether Baby Batzer will be a boy or a girl. After the baby arrives, we will award someone who guessed correctly with a $25 Amazon gift card.

This little contest is open until the date and time that Baby Batzer is finally born. We will randomly select one winner with a correct guess that was made before the deadline and contact him/her via email just as soon as we have a chance to breathe and look at our computers after the baby arrives. The winner will have 48 hours to claim his or her prize before the prize is forfeited and another winner is chosen, so make sure you use a current email address that you check often.

For anyone curious, my dress is from Pink Blush Maternity.  It can also be worn as a non-maternity dress.

Photos taken with a tripod or by Brenton and edited by yours truly. 

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Showered with Love https://www.herheartandtable.com/showered-with-love/ Mon, 03 Dec 2018 18:39:17 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1250 For the sake of honesty, I have barely felt at all prepared for this baby.  I know you don’t actually need everything everyone says you do but moving while pregnant, not being able to get a space ready or buying anything until I got into our home because we had already two full cars when...

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For the sake of honesty, I have barely felt at all prepared for this baby.  I know you don’t actually need everything everyone says you do but moving while pregnant, not being able to get a space ready or buying anything until I got into our home because we had already two full cars when we road tripped to Oklahoma already caused me to not fully embrace this pregnancy yet.  I wouldn’t say I was stressed about my lack of baby items or a space planned out for BB yet but some parts of pregnancy had to be suppressed. I kept seeing people who had their nurseries set up at 25 weeks and I’m like, we don’t even have a house to live in yet!

Trusting in God’s timing is the theme of my life! Anyone else?

Trusting in God’s timing getting pregnant.

Trusting in His timing moving while pregnant.

Trusting in His timing buying a home.

Currently trusting in God’s timing with Brenton’s delay in training and being home for the labor and delivery of our babe.

All of it is enough to drive you crazy.  But I am so grateful to be able to trust in my Father and know confidently that he has the best plan ahead for me all while saying His will be done.  Clinging hard onto Daniel 3:16-18, speaking “but if not, He is still good” for when things don’t go according to my wishes and prayers.

But, now I’m beginning to feel well prepared for this little love of ours thanks to all the amazing friends and family in our lives.  The house is still a disaster but most of it is the baby stuff that needs a home! BB and I had three wonderful showers! Here are little snap shots of each.

Our first shower was a complete surprise (I wish I just had a little heads up ::cough:: Brenton ::cough:: so I could have looked a little bit cuter!) and took place while we were in Oklahoma. My best friend Jessica (with help of Brenton and I’m sure others) got me good!  I told her I didn’t want to have one in OK because who do I know that would come… like her and Courtney?  But low and behold the community of Air Force wives supports once again!!  I had old friends and new friends celebrate this little baby.  Friends I’ve know for 4 years and others I’ve only know 4 months!

My friends sent gifts from a far because this military life has us all spread out.  I was overwhelmed by all the love and I’m forever grateful for my tribe of strong women to lean on and celebrate with! So at 29 weeks we had our first baby shower.

We spent Thanksgiving in San Antonio with the Batzers and the family was able to shower not one but TWO babies! Yup, Ashley is also expecting their first babe in January.  We couldn’t attend each other’s shower (because we planned each of ours for the same weekend without chatting about it… we’re a bunch of numb skulls!) so we actually exchanged gifts then and bought each other the same thing! That was a complete surprise as well and so at 32 weeks (33 weeks for Ash) we had our second shower.

And then the baby shower I knew was happening came!  My family and friends shower in Smithtown, NY was so special to me.  Having people there who have known me the longest, who changed my diapers and watched me grow up all gathering around to celebrate our baby.  Also to celebrate with my 88 year old grandmother was so special.  She barely remembers who I am but to have her there for her first great-grandbaby meant a lot to me.  I’m so grateful BB is so loved and that we live so close to family so at least for the first three to four years of his or her life BB will know our family and friends so well. And so at 33 weeks pregnant we had our third and final baby shower!

Dress is from Pink Blush Maternity (size small regular) and was soooo comfortable! I cannot wait to wear it again. And it’s perfect for postpartum/nursing too! 

The post Showered with Love appeared first on Her Heart + Table.

33 Week Bumpdate https://www.herheartandtable.com/33-week-bumpdate/ https://www.herheartandtable.com/33-week-bumpdate/#comments Sat, 01 Dec 2018 02:06:24 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1231 I learned two things today… self portraits are hard and I need to be drinking a lot more water even though I drink at least 90oz a day plus a pregnancy tea or two and have to pee every 20 minutes because you’ll read more about that later… But wow, thirty three weeks in and...

The post 33 Week Bumpdate appeared first on Her Heart + Table.

I learned two things today… self portraits are hard and I need to be drinking a lot more water even though I drink at least 90oz a day plus a pregnancy tea or two and have to pee every 20 minutes because you’ll read more about that later…

But wow, thirty three weeks in and barely a peep out of me! Sorry folks, moving has been rough on my third trimester bod and mind. How could it be that we will be meeting our little BB in less than 9 weeks?!?! I say 9 because my midwives won’t lets anyone go past 42 weeks! It’s wild how much time has past and how soon baby will be here.

Life is a bit crazy with my recent move up to New Jersey and Brenton still being in Oklahoma but we are very excited to become parents to our miracle baby.  The house is a disaster with piles of our stuff everywhere but it will come together.  Until then I’ll just enjoy growing this sweet little human of ours.

33 Week Pregnant Bump Update

Does the baby move differently now than earlier in the pregnancy? 

Oh man, I feel every movement BB makes even when I’m moving too.  Before the baby moved mostly in flutters and up until about 26 weeks it was just that.  I remember the first time I felt an actual limb! It was the coolest thing/maybe made me a little nauseas realizing it was a leg of the human I am growing! But I got over that fast. The movements have gotten more pronounced, now BB full on rolls and kicks and feels like he or she is coming out of my side. BB’s currently head butting my bladder and trying to stretch my stomach more with kickies.  Clearly we have a tiny dancer in there!

Has your appetite increased or decreased? What do you typically eat in a day? Any new aversions or cravings? Heart burn yet?

This is the strangest thing because baby has hung out so low this whole time and has just started moving on up to my ribs I have been able to eat normal size meals still.  Some days I seem to be less hungry and then other days I’m ravenous!

In a typical day I usually eat:

Breakfast – 2 scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit and 1 piece toast with butter + a 1/2 caff coffee

Snack – Rx bar or almonds with cranberries (<– hello sweet tooth!)

Lunch – Salad with baked chicken

Dinner – Chili or Baked chicken with roasted yams and broccoli with quinoa 

Post Dinner Snack – Banana with almond butter before bed

I have been trying to avoid added dairy because my cheek acne is flaring up. But I do have a new craving… chocolate covered pretzels! I haven’t given into any previous sweet craving much until recently.  I guess there could be worse things than 10 chocolate pretzels after dinner.  But if I want my acne to go away I should stop this too… the pull is strong folks.  No heartburn yet either, but that could be around the corner.

Experiencing any increase or decrease in pregnancy symptoms? Have any disappeared completely or are you noticing any new symptoms you haven’t experienced before?

Honestly, because I never really felt too sick I just started to feel like I’m carrying a growing human. My bump basically grew overnight this past week and now everything is getting a little bit harder.  In the past few days I’ve been starting to have a bit of difficulty taking really deep breaths and bending down.

Size of the baby?

I use the Ovia App and have the size setting to French pastries. Currently BB is the size of three chocolate croissants, yummmmmyyyyy. Brenton uses an app too called DaddyUp and today according to his app BB is the size of a salmon!  I don’t know how my stomach is going to get larger but I know it is!

Any stretch marks yet?

No thank goodness. I heard they are genetic so thanks mom!! I occasionally put a coconut/shea lotion on my belly if it feels really tight but I haven’t been religious about it.

Any pain or swelling in any new parts of your body or in different parts of your body than you’ve noticed before?

It’s getting a lot more difficult to stand for long periods of time as my feet start to hurt.  No swelling yet though so thats good.  My boobies and nips hurt… like a lot.  And I’ve actually already had a clogged Montgomery gland last week.  It felt like a pimple that hasn’t emerged yet! It has been getting better with warm compresses and hot showers.  I know this won’t be the last of my boob issues.

What are the workouts you do and ways you’re staying healthy when you’re 33 week pregnant?

A lot of workouts are uncomfortable the bigger my belly gets.  Not to mention I have to modify everything a whole lot.  I still love walking, squats, lunges and prenatal yoga.  I sometimes make it to the base gym still for some light lifting.  In a typical week, I’ll go for a walk three times, the gym one day a week, and prenatal yoga once a week.  I’d like to get back into daily mediations to mentally prepare better for a natural birth.

How is the unpacking going?

Uh, good one! Hahaha… okay but in all seriousness, this is happening so slowly.  If I weren’t pregnant the house would have been fully set up 2 days after we moved in.  But that’s just not happening and you know what, that’s okay! I have about a good 2 hours of unpacking and organizing in me before I’m done for the day and that usually happens in the morning.

Are you fitting into maternity clothes yet? Any brands you’ve found that fit best for petite pregnancies?

Oh heck yes! I’ve been wearing those wonderful maternity shorts/jeans/leggings since 15 weeks.  I purchased my lower body attire from Motherhood Maternity (size small).  And I have a few long sleeve tops from Pink Blush Maternity that can be worn for nursing too.  I also some hand-me-downs from some girlfriends. But now its chunky sweater weather and most of mine still fit.  So 90% of clothes are still non maternity. However I will never pass up an opportunity to purchase a dress.  And Pink Blush has great options that can be worn during pregnancy and after! I already purchased my dress of newborn photos.

Weight Gain?

No trouble with this one! I barely had any sickness in the beginning so actually most of my weight gain happened in the first 20 weeks.  I think by 20 weeks I gained about 17 pounds.  Thus far I have gained 25 pounds and its all in my belly, at least I think it is.  This has been the hardest to adjust to.  I’ve never seen a heavier weight on the scale (that actually happened 20 lbs ago) but I still feel strong and honestly am loving my baby belly.

Have you experienced Braxton Hicks Contractions yet?

Yup! Legit just had one… They have definitely kicked it up this past week. I had one at my midwife appointment yesterday and I asked her “Is this a Braxton Hicks?” She felt my belly and was like “Yup! Most definitely.”  Really it feels like baby is pushing up against the front of my uterus causing my belly to get hard and tight. I use to get them when I walked starting around 18 weeks but now I get them when I sit too.  Totally normal folks, my uterus is getting ready for the big day plus it helps me practice my breathing through them! Thankfully they don’t hurt but they do make me feel like I have to pee immediately.  And so because of this I need to up my water intake a bit more.

How are you sleeping and is there anything helping you with the discomfort?

Sleeping is starting to get even more difficult.  I’m a stomach and back sleeper so sleeping on my side is killing my hips slowly.  I’ve used the Belly ‘N Back pregnancy pillow since the beginning of my second trimester, fall asleep on my side after a bit of tossing a turning and somehow still end up waking up on my back.  I have yet to wake up without feeling in my leg and BB likes to hang out on my right side so I’m not too worried about cutting of any supply of nutrients to baby if I do wake up on my back.  Inferior Vena Cava Syndrome happens in about 5% of pregnancies and my body will wake me up if something is wrong.  It’s better to get good sleep than worry about IVCS.

Have you started nesting/decorating the nursery?

Soooo this, along with a lot of the house setting up, is going to have to wait until Christmas.  Brenton won’t be able to get up here to the house until then because his training keeps getting delayed and extended.  But thats okay because we don’t even have most of our nursery items anyway.  I’m having my baby shower this weekend so I’ll be coming home with a lot more items for baby!

Where do you intend on having baby?

Ideally at home! Unless baby comes before 37 weeks or is breech when the midwives check I’ll be having BB in the comfort of my own home.  I’m not anti-hospital, I’m just in the camp that birth shouldn’t be made into a medical big deal unless it needs to be, i.e., you are high risk or baby is breech.  Our bodies were made for this ladies.  Thankfully if an emergency were to arise we are 5 minutes from a hospital and I will gladly go.  I’ll be packing a go-bag just incase in the next week or so.

The question everyone asks… do you think you’re having a boy or a girl?

I honestly have no idea but I we both have a suspicion this little miracle is a boy.  So that probably means we’re having a girl, right!?!

There you have it! My 33 week (and the rest of pregnancy) bumpdate!!! Hope you enjoyed reading this update.  Comment below if there is anything you’d like to know in my next bumpdate!

Exhibit A as to why self portraits are hard! Blurry everything. 

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Even Small Towns are Fun!! #optoutside https://www.herheartandtable.com/even-small-towns-are-fun-optoutside/ https://www.herheartandtable.com/even-small-towns-are-fun-optoutside/#comments Mon, 24 Sep 2018 02:07:21 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1177 We always choose to #optoutside on weekends, rain or shine (just not 100 degree weather while pregnant though). You’re familiar with the REI motto right?  Brenton and I were talking about how if you look hard enough for it you can find something fun to do anywhere! And small towns have ample opportunity to #optoutside...

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We always choose to #optoutside on weekends, rain or shine (just not 100 degree weather while pregnant though). You’re familiar with the REI motto right?  Brenton and I were talking about how if you look hard enough for it you can find something fun to do anywhere! And small towns have ample opportunity to #optoutside since there isn’t much around = space to roam!!  We love exploring new places and we believe the best way to do that is to strap on those sneakers and hit the trail! And let me tell you Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge did not disappoint.

For the Oklahoma landscape that is normally flat as far as the eye can see in Southwest OK there are sweet little surprises of mountains! Obviously not 14ers or even 2ers but its topography and there is usually a hiking trail there!

We headed out on the first day of Fall to hit the trails 45 minutes from Altus in Wichita Wildlife Refuge.  The wind was blowing the tall prairie grass and I could just image all the creatures that once walked this land.  I have to be honest and say that I was super alert for rattlesnakes and petrified of ticks.  But we all came out unscathed and pest free, as far as I can tell.

What we did find though was a 50 foot tall waterfall in the middle of the prairie (and a pond for Sadie) via the Post Oak Falls Trail!! Granted it did rain 8″ the day before and we had to ford some streams Oregon trail style.  We unhooked Sadie and hopped from rock to rock praying we didn’t slip and fall in.  Sadie immediately found a huge stick and jumped in expectantly.  Just waiting for us to throw it in!

The rock wall even had a ledge to prop the camera up on to take a 23 week family photo… I say family because if you look closely Sadie is right there behind us.  She nearly 5 and still can’t stand still for a photo, she absolutely hates them!  Anyone else have pets who are camera shy!?!?

So if you are bored and in a small town here are some resources to help you #optoutside better:

  1. ALL TRAILS APP ||  This app can pull up marked trails based on your location! It how we found hiking in Montana on our road trip and how we found the Post Oak Falls trail!
  2. FACEBOOK || Yes, the granddaddy of social media.  Type in your location and see if there are any opportunities within driving distance for a farmers market or hiking groups!
  3. SNEAKERS || Not trying to be snarky but we need appropriate footwear to get outdoors and explore. So just lace up your sneaks and put one foot in front of the other and walk out that front door.  Opting outside in your small town is just as fun!

Okay friends, time to get those endorphins pumping and learning about your community via foot!

Also… if you are bored in a small town, steal your friends’ kiddos for a day.  They’ll keep you busy and more than likely want to #optoutside!!

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Stuffed Stuffed Peppers https://www.herheartandtable.com/paleo-stuffed-peppers/ https://www.herheartandtable.com/paleo-stuffed-peppers/#comments Wed, 15 Aug 2018 22:17:27 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1102 Looking to kick the heat up a notch in your menu?  Try these roasted paleo stuffed peppers. Filled with seasoned ground turkey, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cilantro. Brenton and I are completely overwhelmed by all your love from our baby batz announcement!  There have been so many people praying for this bebe and I’d love...

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Looking to kick the heat up a notch in your menu?  Try these roasted paleo stuffed peppers. Filled with seasoned ground turkey, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cilantro.

Brenton and I are completely overwhelmed by all your love from our baby batz announcement!  There have been so many people praying for this bebe and I’d love to ask you to keep praying for our health and growth.  I’m a firm believer prayer is exactly what’s needed in every circumstance, good and bad.  So yes… pray away folks!

A couple life updates for you guys.  We are still in Oklahoma.  We will be here until around Thanksgiving time then heading up to our old stomping grounds on the East Coast.  I’m from Long Island and the fly boy of from Pennsylvania so moving to New Jersey is a happy middle ground.  We have family all over the area… actually they are all within a 3 hour radius of where we will be living so that is going to be magical! Not to mention we are going to be able to attend Penn State games for the 2019 season!! With a baby attached to me but still its going to be AWESOME!

Onto the recipe…

It has been a HOT minute since I’ve shared a recipe with you!  So sorry about that… these Paleo stuffed peppers will not disappoint.  They are super clean, super healthy and super delicious!

Paleo stuffed peppers have been on my rotation just about every week this summer.  Peppers are fresh and juicy and just freaking delicious if you ask me.  Plus you can stuff them with just about anything!  I tend to gravitate toward ground meat, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cilantro because they are all paleo friendly and I digest that better.  But this recipe is so flexible that if you don’t eat paleo then you can add quinoa, grits, cheese, rice, beans… the options for stuffed peppers are endless! But usually stuffed peppers are bell peppers, right?  Well, enter in the stuffed poblano pepper!

So you’re probably thinking, isn’t the poblano pepper hot!?! The poblano pepper is a fairly mild pepper, ranking somewhere between the banana pepper and jalapeno on the Scoville heat scale. So if you are super sensitive to capsaicin you might just want to stuff a green or red pepper but if you can handle a teeny bit of heat this recipe is for you!

ONE poblano pepper is packed with, get this:

  • 70% RDA Vitamin A
  • 20% RDA Vitamin B2
  • 10% RDA Iron AND B6

And because they are packed with all these goodie nutrients they are great at boosting your immune system, aiding in weight loss, and even fighting cancer.

Poblano Peppers are rockstars! 

Spicy little rockstars but rockstars none-the-less.

Less spicy tip:  Remove ALL the seeds and white vein in the middle and wash it out…

Because actually these poblanos I used for these photos were on the a bit too spicy side for my man.  Like a Thai restaurant spicy 2.5 stars… They kind of made us tear up a bit.  I must have left in some seeds and veins.  Oppps.  Don’t make that same mistake!

Serve these paleo stuffed peppers covered in my magical multipurpose Cilantro Green Onion Sauce! <— just yum!  You won’t regret this delicious decision.

Okay my spicy people… get your hot booty in the kitchen and get started on this super easy, super clean paleo stuffed pepper recipe! Let us know how it goes by leaving a comment below. Also, take a photo and tag us on Instagram or in your Insta-story @herheartandtable, so we can check it out!  I love seeing when you guys make recipes from the blog!


Paleo Stuffed Peppers
Prep Time10 minutes
Cook Time40 minutes
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and prepare , sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cilantro. Prepare poblano peppers by washing, removing seeds, and deveining. Make a slit in the skin lengthwise on one side for stuffing.
  2. Heat coconut oil in a pan over medium heat. Add sweet potatoes and cover pan. Cook until soft and charred tossing occasionally.
  3. Add raw turkey meat, raw garlic and spices into pan with sweet potatoes. Cook until no longer pink.
  4. Turn off stove and add tomato, and cilantro.
  5. Stuff peppers with the turkey/sweet potato filling to your desired fullness. Bake on a unlined, non-greased baking sheet for 25-30 minutes (this will char the outside of the pepper more!). To test doneness of pepper take a paring knife and pierce the skin of the pepper. Should be easy!
Recipe Notes

*Don't want to use pepper as spicy as a poblano? Use a bell pepper to be safe!

**Enjoy with a big glass of milk and tissue if you were as unlucky as we were with our poblano selection.

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We’re having a baby! https://www.herheartandtable.com/we-are-having-baby/ Sat, 28 Jul 2018 18:18:44 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1073 With so much joy and even more gratitude join us in celebrating… BABY BATZER ARRIVING JANUARY 2019!! This is officially my favorite post ever… After 3 years of trying for Baby Batz (affectionately named BB for short) and never once getting a positive pregnancy test we are so thrilled that it finally happened! I AM PREGNANT!...

The post We’re having a baby! appeared first on Her Heart + Table.


With so much joy and even more gratitude join us in celebrating…


This is officially my favorite post ever… After 3 years of trying for Baby Batz (affectionately named BB for short) and never once getting a positive pregnancy test we are so thrilled that it finally happened!


I can’t believe that I finally get to share that.  It’s all I’ve wanted to do since I started blogging in 2012! It’s bringing tears to my eyes.  This has been quite the journey to get here and we are still in shock honestly (even though I purchased maternity shorts last week because the hair tie wasn’t cutting it anymore).  It all feels like a dream.  Even with hearing BB’s heartbeat, seeing BB’s first picture and all the blood work. Gahhh!!

We are so incredibly over joyed for this little miracle.  The Lord definitely shocked us in the best way possible when I took that pregnancy test.  I’ll be sharing the entire story in another post soon but this little nugget has been covered in so much prayer for years that I’m so glad the Lord opened my womb when He did to home this angel for as long as He sees fit.  But for today, we celebrate & give so much thanks & pray for those who are waiting eagerly. If that’s you, know I’m here for you and understand what you are going through.  Don’t ever give up hope even when all hope seems lost.  If you have, I’ll hope and have faith for you.


  1. I am diligently checking my growing bump to make sure there’s actually a babe in there and not just ice cream and the 3 extra meals I eat a day!
  2. I’m back to eating mostly paleo and lowish carb and feeling amazing and energized from it.
  3. I have my first midwife appointment August 8th in northwest Texas (worth the hour and a half drive for the care I want).  Fun Fact… I’ll have seen 4 providers by the time we meet our sweet little BB.


  1. How far along are you?!– 15 weeks TODAY! Friday, July 27th!  AND I’M PRETTY SURE I FELT THE FIRST OF MANY TO COME BABY FLUTTERS THIS MORNING! They felt much different than my pulse and more like popcorn. 
  2. So, you’re due when?– January 18th is the assumed due date but I’m not holding that date tight… anytime in January works for us!  My sister’s birthday in January 29th sooo maybe she’ll have a birthday buddy.
  3. How are you feeling?– Hmmm… Honestly not too terrible!  This little nugget has been so kind to me.  From weeks 6-11 I was EXHAUSTED and needed a 2 hour nap everyday even when I did next to nothing.  I couldn’t keep my eyes open to save my life.  If you couldn’t tell I wasn’t around much on social media, I basically did the necessary for my business like answer emails and edit/deliver photos and then just slept. When the day came I realized I didn’t need a nap I signed right back up for a spin class!!  I still have days where all I want to do is nap (today is one of them) so I’m still abusing my current “no kiddo to care = free to nap whenever” status!
    I never really felt sick, maybe a few days of intense nausea but it only lasted an hour. The nausea usually came if I was really hungry or too full and after a nap.  But sadly I did have a lot of food aversions.  Which is so sad for a foodie like me.   The smell of any coffee was overwhelming and the idea of drinking it made me feel sick. I wanted nothing to do with anything chicken or salad.  Meals were always a last minute decision.  Some days nothing sounded good to eat but I knew I had to eat or else I would get nauseas, in came eating for survival instead of pleasure.  Fortunately week 12 came and I started to actually stomach salads with chicken again but still no decaf coffee (hopefully soon).
  4. Speaking of food, have you had any weird cravings?– The first weird craving I had was a carrot at 6 weeks…  And I’ve eaten more pickles in the last 15 weeks than I have in my entire life.  From weeks 8-9 I craved carbs hard… pasta, pizza bagels, so I guess it was a good thing we were in New York.  Cheese is a big one and sweets mostly in the form of stone fruit but I would love a donut on the daily! I ate about 10 peaches in 4 days around week 11.  Actually who am I even kidding, this craving is still going strong.  I’m glad that I’m pregnant in the summer with all the fresh fruit available.
  5. Surprising Pregnancy Symptoms?– I’m already having some round ligament pain.  One night at 13 weeks it was excruciating that I couldn’t walk and Brenton had to help me around.  Also I was diagnosed with a rowdy bladder infection at 10 weeks which was very uncomfortable.
    Also things they don’t tell you about that could happen in pregnancy… the worse gas pains ever! I’ve had about four episodes of incredible gas pain where I had to lay down and breath it out <— getting me ready for labor. AND the tender belly button that I can’t even touch some days. All normal I guess ::shrugging shoulders::
  6. Best Part of First Trimester?– Definitely hearing the heartbeat at a strong 144bmp at 7 weeks, 179bpm at 9 weeks and 164bmp at 13 weeks! It’s the best music in the world.  Also, telling the people we love in person was just the best.  Seeing our friend’s and family’s joyful and usually tearful reaction meant the world to us. I wish I could have seen your face to this joyous announcement!!
  7. Worst part of First Trimester?– The fatigue was killer.  I didn’t get to the gym once from weeks 6-10 and so missed 4 weeks my beloved spin classes.  Also packed on about 3lbs because I didn’t make it to the gym during those carb loading weeks.
  8. Are you finding out if it’s a boy or girl?– Hard no here! We are waiting until the birth to find out.  Although I’m pretty certain Brenton wants to find out but I have had my heart set on not finding out early since I can remember.  I’m not even thinking too hard about the old wives tales… As long as BB is good in there I’m excited for the biggest surprise of our life!
  9. When do you move?– We just got to Oklahoma a few days ago after a really great road trip visiting family and friends.  We will officially be settled in New Jersey the beginning of December.  We are excited to have family and old friends so close because it takes a village.  Amiright!?!?!
  10. Do you think Sadie knows?– Sometimes I think she does because she’s been a bit clingy but I think more realistically the packing up the house and moving is more responsible.  So I don’t think so… not yet.  But she’s getting all the extra lovings now while she’s still the “only child.”

More than anything, we’re SO beyond thrilled & full of gratitude for this blessing! We can’t wait for the exciting season ahead and wild ride to come! Thank you all for your amazing support & encouragement during this time – BB is already so, so loved! And we officially welcome all the tips for raising the sweetest of babes who love Jesus and others!



I went in for an ultrasound at 7 weeks to confirm the pregnancy at the fertility clinic and little BB seriously looked like a dinosaur.  Our perfect little lizard! Then went in at 9 weeks to the OB for another US because I was having some cramping… turns out BB was doing great but I had a rowdy bladder infection explaining the cramping and discomfort.

First mom-tail was a huckleberry lemonade  |  My first decaf coffee again at 12 weeks (but none since)

The post We’re having a baby! appeared first on Her Heart + Table.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Experience https://www.herheartandtable.com/hysterosalpingogram-hsg-experience/ Thu, 10 May 2018 20:12:20 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=984 Okay. So I did it.  I went in to have my tubes checked…. and I survived! If you are a women who might need an Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) then I would recommend do not search for the horror stories.  I would consider my experience a bit on the painful side but everyone else I spoke with...

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Okay. So I did it.  I went in to have my tubes checked…. and I survived! If you are a women who might need an Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) then I would recommend do not search for the horror stories.  I would consider my experience a bit on the painful side but everyone else I spoke with about their had no issues what so ever.  I went into it expecting it to feel like really bad menstrual cramps and it felt just like that… for like 30 seconds. And then it was done.

I brought my relaxing essential oil blend (bergamot, cedar wood, lavender) and played classical music to set the mood.  I’m all about the relaxing ambiance.  Even the nurse noted on the relaxing scent of my oil blend and how they really should get a diffuser in the procedure room.  I would have to agree!! Oils for emotional support are life.

Now for the HSG Procedure

First the speculum… always fun. Next some local numbing of the cervix with topical lidocaine… not bad at all. Then the balloon came to expand my cervix… now this part I did not like at all.  It wasn’t painful just extremely uncomfortable.  Like extremely… I actually got a little nauseous and needed an ice pack to hold onto.  I was speaking with my friend who had one done last year about how it went and she made a great point.  She mentioned that the balloon didn’t bother her one bit because she has had a vaginal birth and well my cervix is most definitely still a virgin in that arena.  Interesting comparison, I’d say that theory is valid.

Once the catheter was in the contrast was injected.  She started on the top of the uterus and I tried to watch the screen as they took x-rays but I couldn’t because I had to focus on my breathing.  It did indeed feel like really intense menstrual cramps for me (like the ones that make me vomit). She did take multiple x-rays at various points injecting the contrast.

The goal was to see the contrast spill over the ends of my tubes to ensure there was so blockage.  Below is the X-ray that shows the best image of that spillage.

HSG experience

As soon as the nurse removed the catheter and balloon there was no more pain.  After the procedure I had minor cramps for the next 24 hours and my cervix was a little sore from the balloon. I took an ibuprofen a few hours before the procedure and used an essential oils cramping blend (lavender, eucalyptus & orange in a roller) after and the following day.

It was worth knowing my tubes are not blocked and that we wouldn’t have to deal with that on top of my endocrine disorder even though blocked tubes are curable with surgery.  Would I want to experience it again?  Nope, no thank you.  I’m good.  But I’m clear to proceed with other fertility treatments now!! IUI’s here we come!!

If you know someone or you yourself have an HSG on your schedule or are looking towards that as your next step know that you are not alone in this.  Maybe you can invite a friend to go with you if your spouse can’t be present or take some tips from this post like bringing some essential oils or listening to calming music.  Please shoot me an email if you need to chat about any struggle you might be going through, it doesn’t have to be infertility.

The post Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) Experience appeared first on Her Heart + Table.

Best Guacamole Recipe https://www.herheartandtable.com/best-guacamole-recipe/ Thu, 10 May 2018 17:53:21 +0000 http://www.herheartandtable.com/?p=1009 A creamy, famous, table side guacamole you can make right at home!  Full of healthy monounsaturated fats and flavorful bites you’ll want this whole bowl of guac to yourself. Guac-a-mole, guac-guac, a-mole! (sing away little song birds) Avocados are so much my love language that Mr. HHT brought home some suppa fresh ones from San...

The post Best Guacamole Recipe appeared first on Her Heart + Table.


A creamy, famous, table side guacamole you can make right at home!  Full of healthy monounsaturated fats and flavorful bites you’ll want this whole bowl of guac to yourself.


Guac-a-mole, guac-guac, a-mole! (sing away little song birds)

Avocados are so much my love language that Mr. HHT brought home some suppa fresh ones from San Diego earlier this week.  Y’all they were only 75 cents down there!

Le sigh.

I miss cheap, ready to eat that day avocados.  Up here in the PNW you need to purchase them at least 3 days (if you’re lucky) before you plan on eating them and they are $2/avocado.  And most of the time they ripen unevenly so when you cut them open they are 1/2 black… nothing worse than throwing away $2 and good fat.  I KNOW I’m not alone in this heart break.

We had 3 perfect to eat, right then and there beautiful California avocados.  And what else do you do with 3 perfectly ripe avocados?

Famous table side guac

Make GUACAMOLE of course!!

We’ve been to Bourdos on the river walk in San Antonio for a weekend honeymoon getaway while at pilot training in Del Rio and also as a “WE’RE DEBT FREE” celebration.  If you haven’t gone, you really should because its a total fiesta for your taste buds!  Get their table side guac and a prickly pear margarita and you will be set for life!

If you want Bourdos recipe here it is! But I usually don’t have all the specific ingredients on hand when I’m craving guacamole so you can find the layman’s version below. 

This at home guacamole recipe was inspried by their Table Side Guac… side note, we recently went to a restaurant in San Diego and ordered their TSG and it was sub par and sent it back.

This might be an unpopular opinion but I do not like my guacamole chunky.  I want a smoothish guac so the chips can easily slide right in and scoop up some of that green deliciousness without breaking.  The Siete chips I love are not as thick as its conventional corn tortillas so a creamy guac is the way to go with these chips.

Siete Grain Free Tortilla Chips

Siete Grain Free Tortilla Chips are made with cassava and coconut flour.  I have to say I love these tortilla chips.  They only qualm I have with them is that they are about $4 on sale for only 5oz. But for taco Tuesday and snacking throughout the week they are just the trick!  I seriously could eat a whole bag of these at once.  Tortillas are my weakness!

And a good bowl of guacamole is my weakness too.  So the combination of the two… forget it! I’m done.


Actually previously, when Mr. HHT has been deployed I have cozied up with a bowl of guacamole and chips for dinner a time or two.  No shame here.  I’d say its wholesome enough for a meal! Especially with those Siete chips.

Your turn to make this famous table-side Guacamole at home.

Now go little makers and shakers in the kitchen and make some famous table side guacamole at home! You will love the flavor of the orange juice mixed with the lime.  Let us know how it goes by leaving a comment below. Also, take a photo and tag me on Instagram @herheartandtable, so I can check it out!


Servings5 people
Prep Time5 minutes
  1. First, mash avocado flesh in a bowl. Then add remaining ingredients and mix well to combine. Taste test with a tortilla chip to see if you need to add more salt. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

I always start with less salt than I anticipate wanting because tortilla chips are salty.  You can always add more after your test test.

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