I brought my relaxing essential oil blend (bergamot, cedar wood, lavender) and played classical music to set the mood. I’m all about the relaxing ambiance. Even the nurse noted on the relaxing scent of my oil blend and how they really should get a diffuser in the procedure room. I would have to agree!! Oils for emotional support are life.
Now for the HSG Procedure
First the speculum… always fun. Next some local numbing of the cervix with topical lidocaine… not bad at all. Then the balloon came to expand my cervix… now this part I did not like at all. It wasn’t painful just extremely uncomfortable. Like extremely… I actually got a little nauseous and needed an ice pack to hold onto. I was speaking with my friend who had one done last year about how it went and she made a great point. She mentioned that the balloon didn’t bother her one bit because she has had a vaginal birth and well my cervix is most definitely still a virgin in that arena. Interesting comparison, I’d say that theory is valid.
Once the catheter was in the contrast was injected. She started on the top of the uterus and I tried to watch the screen as they took x-rays but I couldn’t because I had to focus on my breathing. It did indeed feel like really intense menstrual cramps for me (like the ones that make me vomit). She did take multiple x-rays at various points injecting the contrast.
The goal was to see the contrast spill over the ends of my tubes to ensure there was so blockage. Below is the X-ray that shows the best image of that spillage.
As soon as the nurse removed the catheter and balloon there was no more pain. After the procedure I had minor cramps for the next 24 hours and my cervix was a little sore from the balloon. I took an ibuprofen a few hours before the procedure and used an essential oils cramping blend (lavender, eucalyptus & orange in a roller) after and the following day.
It was worth knowing my tubes are not blocked and that we wouldn’t have to deal with that on top of my endocrine disorder even though blocked tubes are curable with surgery. Would I want to experience it again? Nope, no thank you. I’m good. But I’m clear to proceed with other fertility treatments now!! IUI’s here we come!!
If you know someone or you yourself have an HSG on your schedule or are looking towards that as your next step know that you are not alone in this. Maybe you can invite a friend to go with you if your spouse can’t be present or take some tips from this post like bringing some essential oils or listening to calming music. Please shoot me an email if you need to chat about any struggle you might be going through, it doesn’t have to be infertility.