For the sake of honesty, I have barely felt at all prepared for this baby. I know you don’t actually need everything everyone says you do but moving while pregnant, not being able to get a space ready or buying anything until I got into our home because we had already two full cars when we road tripped to Oklahoma already caused me to not fully embrace this pregnancy yet. I wouldn’t say I was stressed about my lack of baby items or a space planned out for BB yet but some parts of pregnancy had to be suppressed. I kept seeing people who had their nurseries set up at 25 weeks and I’m like, we don’t even have a house to live in yet!
Trusting in God’s timing is the theme of my life! Anyone else?
Trusting in God’s timing getting pregnant.
Trusting in His timing moving while pregnant.
Trusting in His timing buying a home.
Currently trusting in God’s timing with Brenton’s delay in training and being home for the labor and delivery of our babe.
All of it is enough to drive you crazy. But I am so grateful to be able to trust in my Father and know confidently that he has the best plan ahead for me all while saying His will be done. Clinging hard onto Daniel 3:16-18, speaking “but if not, He is still good” for when things don’t go according to my wishes and prayers.
But, now I’m beginning to feel well prepared for this little love of ours thanks to all the amazing friends and family in our lives. The house is still a disaster but most of it is the baby stuff that needs a home! BB and I had three wonderful showers! Here are little snap shots of each.
Our first shower was a complete surprise (I wish I just had a little heads up ::cough:: Brenton ::cough:: so I could have looked a little bit cuter!) and took place while we were in Oklahoma. My best friend Jessica (with help of Brenton and I’m sure others) got me good! I told her I didn’t want to have one in OK because who do I know that would come… like her and Courtney? But low and behold the community of Air Force wives supports once again!! I had old friends and new friends celebrate this little baby. Friends I’ve know for 4 years and others I’ve only know 4 months!
My friends sent gifts from a far because this military life has us all spread out. I was overwhelmed by all the love and I’m forever grateful for my tribe of strong women to lean on and celebrate with! So at 29 weeks we had our first baby shower.
We spent Thanksgiving in San Antonio with the Batzers and the family was able to shower not one but TWO babies! Yup, Ashley is also expecting their first babe in January. We couldn’t attend each other’s shower (because we planned each of ours for the same weekend without chatting about it… we’re a bunch of numb skulls!) so we actually exchanged gifts then and bought each other the same thing! That was a complete surprise as well and so at 32 weeks (33 weeks for Ash) we had our second shower.
And then the baby shower I knew was happening came! My family and friends shower in Smithtown, NY was so special to me. Having people there who have known me the longest, who changed my diapers and watched me grow up all gathering around to celebrate our baby. Also to celebrate with my 88 year old grandmother was so special. She barely remembers who I am but to have her there for her first great-grandbaby meant a lot to me. I’m so grateful BB is so loved and that we live so close to family so at least for the first three to four years of his or her life BB will know our family and friends so well. And so at 33 weeks pregnant we had our third and final baby shower!
Dress is from Pink Blush Maternity (size small regular) and was soooo comfortable! I cannot wait to wear it again. And it’s perfect for postpartum/nursing too!